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August 29, 2024

best diet alcohol recovery

A poor diet can result in stomach pain, headaches, weakness, fatigue and lethargy, creating an unwell feeling that those in recovery may attempt to remedy with substance use. A healthy diet, on the other hand, can provide energy, clear-headed thinking, motivation and an overall feeling of wellness. Those who eat right are also more likely to exercise regularly — a tactic many people use to overcome addiction, replacing substance use with the high of physical activity. Alcoholism is a disease that you can overcome with evidence-based treatment. Alcohol rehab centers are dedicated to assisting you during this difficult time, and a professional treatment team can provide you with healthy foods that can expedite your alcohol recovery. Unfortunately, the foods that a person is most likely to crave are usually the foods that are better to avoid.

best diet alcohol recovery

Nutritional Deficiencies

best diet alcohol recovery

Type any fruit or vegetable into Google followed by “superfood,” and you’ll find an article extolling its benefits. Instead of obsessing about which produce is the trendy superfood of the week, I eat whole foods and make a smoothie every morning. But at the grocery store, they instinctively opt for “low fat yogurts” (often filled with sugar) and cut off the most marbled parts of their ribeyes.

best diet alcohol recovery

Foods High in Zinc

Vegetables are packed with critical vitamins and nutrients, so getting plenty of leafy greens is always encouraged. Vegetables don’t have to be boring — with sauces, dressings and creative preparation methods like roasting, you can turn what seems like something bland and boring into a delicious meal. But it’s just one of a series of improvements toward rewiring your brain and improving your quality of life. best foods for alcohol recovery However, for some people in early recovery, the flavor of liquor can result in “euphoric recall” and thereby serve as a sensory trigger for alcohol cravings that could potentially result in a relapse. First, cooking food in wine (or any other type of liquor) tends to burn off all of the alcohol. Therefore, there is little risk of increasing blood alcohol content due to consuming food cooked in wine.

  • If possible, try to avoid foods that are highly processed or low on nutrients.
  • Currently focused on advocating, educating and developing projects leveraging evidence based, real time technology to support individuals in recovery.
  • In addition to the importance of nutrition, we wanted to address the mention of detox on our list, as this is an important step in the recovery process.

Are You Feeling Suicidal?

You’ll need to be especially careful not to replace alcohol with sugar or caffeine. They can also affect your mood when they wear off, which could make you want to drink. Heavy meals can be difficult to keep down when you are in detox, especially if you have withdrawal symptoms like nausea or vomiting. Instead, focus on consuming soups and other liquids to replenish nutrients and keep yourself hydrated.

best diet alcohol recovery

Nutrient-Dense Snack Options for Alcohol Recovery

Fortunately, eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet can help you reduce many of the uncomfortable effects related to alcohol withdrawal and detox. Many people consume fried and greasy foods while drinking alcohol, which is why these foods tend to be craved when people stop drinking. Similar to sugar, these foods stimulate the body to release dopamine. Cruciferous vegetables include leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, and kale.

Best Foods for Alcohol Detox

Nearly everything you can buy at a grocery store has a nutrition label, except for alcoholic beverages. Largely attributed to Prohibition, alcohol doesn’t have nutrition facts because it’s not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but by a different federal agency called the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). For this reason, most addiction counselors warn against ever consuming food cooked in any kind of alcohol.

We get amino acids from protein in foods like meat, dairy products, and nuts, along with some grains and beans. The United States Department of Agriculture states that fruits and vegetables are filled with vitamins, dietary fiber, folic acid and potassium. Eating fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and Type 2 diabetes. Similar to vitamin B, zinc is another nutrient that can’t be adequately absorbed when a person consumes alcohol.

  • These programs are offered at professional alcohol rehab facilities like The Recovery Village, and they help make withdrawal a safer and more comfortable process.
  • Drinking too much can lead to severe nutrient depletion, creating symptoms that can make alcohol detox and recovery more difficult and permanently affect your health.
  • Those who are unable to physically and psychologically endure alcohol withdrawal often resume drinking shortly after quitting.
  • Millions of readers rely on HelpGuide.org for free, evidence-based resources to understand and navigate mental health challenges.

Healthy whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, barley, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta. Whole grains also help to promote healthy gut bacteria, which supports liver and kidney health, the body’s two most important detox organs. Your liver is responsible for filtering waste from your body and storing sugar that your body uses as energy. If you drink heavily, your liver will begin to struggle to keep functioning as normal. Not only can you suffer from excruciating pain, but you also risk experiencing other symptoms of liver damage, like fever, nausea, intestinal bleeding, and even cancer.

  • I slept terribly that night and decided the next morning to try and stop for good.
  • Deficiency in vitamin B3, or niacin, is also common in heavy drinkers.
  • Whether you’re dating a recovery addict and want to help or you’re working through your recovery, our addiction research articles can help.
  • This section would be incomplete if I didn’t mention that I’m a huge fan of organ meats.
  • I eat grass-fed beef liver jerky or bison liver sautéed with onions.

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